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AbstractAnnie. ArtUs4Others

I'm an abstract artist who has been working with others to bring art as a form of doing benefit to others. All forms of art can do this, be it written, spoken, creative, culinary and musical.We want to let all who have something to share part of this effort, if  you just have a desire to be a part of something bigger, than you can be part of ArtUs4Others. We want people who are motivated and looking to do good in a world that is looking for change. Its about getting out and doing what is beyond the imagination. Any form of working with your mind, hands, or what ever gift you have to share is appreciated. We are open to any positive part of the human experience that someone has to give.If you are interested let us know and we would be glad to make you part of one of our up coming events in some way. Thank YOU.​

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